What would happen if...

change perception Sep 24, 2018

What would happen if you took every person and circumstance in your life and viewed them as lessons? Lessons that needed to be learned before you continue on your journey through life. Imagine that every person who has caused you heartbreak, every difficult situation you have encountered, was really just a part of a level in the game of life. If you think about a video game, it becomes easy to grasp this concept. Before you can pass to the new level in the game you must fully complete all that the previous level requires from you. Depending on the game, the objectives change but one thing remains the same: you know that what you have to do will get you to go up a level.

Well would you agree with me when I say that your acceleration through life will happen with more ease and satisfaction if you knew what you were dealing with? Of course, on a video game you have a score board, or some kind of visual reminder of what you have accomplished, and how much more you need before jumping to that next phase, but what if life has something similar?

Perception is everything.

As soon as you make the conscious decision to change your perception of life as something that is constantly happening in your favor, your journey will be much more enjoyable.

If everything and everyone is simply a lesson in disguise that is requiring from us some internal work with the promise of leveling up, wouldn’t you do everything in your power to learn and succeed? I know I do and it is a fantastic feeling.

You know those levels on video games where you just can’t seem to pass it? You were going about the game without a hitch, all of a sudden you’re stuck. In this situation you immediately find another way to solve the problem. You do not stay on the same level, repeating the same approaches that do not work, do you? Well, apply that logic to your life!

If something is not flowing, don’t sit around on auto pilot doing the exact same things again and again. Change that perspective of yours and get to living the life of your dreams!


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