It gets easier, I promise… to forgive

forgiveness Oct 01, 2018

Forgiveness. Probably the single most important tool used for your personal growth and development, as well as relationship satisfaction.

Forgiveness of self, forgiveness of others and allowing ourselves to receive an apology, are all imperative for your successful journey here on earth.

We are humans, we will intentionally, and unintentionally, hurt others and other will do the same to us.

It is from this contrast, from this tension, that we will be propelled to evolve. We subconsciously seek out others who can come into our lives to play a role. This role is intended to cause a sort of internal conflict in which you are able to learn a lesson from. Now, many times we learn the lesson that came with a situation and expect the reward, or evolution, to occur immediately after. However there’s a catch! In order to truly gather all that was meant to be received we must always forgive.

Forgiveness sets us free. Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door leading to a new phase in life for you. Forgiveness is powerful and necessary for us to live our best life.

If you are facing a situation right now that is requiring you to partake in the magical act of forgiving, be it self forgiveness or forgiving someone else, allow yourself the space to do so. Imagine the actions of what someone else did to you or the words one spoke to you being in a backpack. Feel the weight on your shoulders holding you down. Almost as though someone had placed rocks inside a bag and gave it to you to hold. Feel how by holding on to this backpack, you do nothing but prevent yourself from walking, from moving forward. Realize that in this moment you have two options: allow this person to continue to affect you or forgive them.

If you refuse to forgive someone, weather they apologize or not, you are the one who will not be able to move forward with the weight on your back. But if you choose to forgive them and place the bag down, you give yourself the chance to continue on your journey.

To forgive someone is to choose to love. Not always the other person, sometimes just yourself.

Place your bag down, forgive, and keep on  walking.


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